
Rm. 2:1, 21-23; Jn. 2:13-25; Pr. 27:6; Ps. 141:5

Today we encounter Jesus' first public demonstration of anger and irritation, wherein he causes chaos in the Temple courts. Since there are numerous instances of Jesus expressing anger and frustration in the Gospels, the pastor takes this opportunity to offer a principle which he hopes will prepare listeners/readers to get the most benefit from reading about Jesus' anger. The principle is simply to assume the position of the person whom Jesus is angry at. This may seem negative and harsh, but if we assume that Jesus IS the God of Love, and He never loses control, then even his anger should be recognized as an act of love! Once this principle is introduced, we read the story of Jesus clearing the temple, and humbly ask ourselves, "How could I be guilty of the same 'heart crime' that these first-century Jews in the temple are? What does the Spirit want to convict ME about, so that the righteous anger of Jesus does not fall on me?" May we as Christians be willing to turn our OWN tables over, so that Jesus doesn't have to!