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(See the manuscript)

In light of the momentous 150th birthday of our nation, the pastor opted to rest the Ephesians series and address the topic of nationalism and patriotism. He posed the question, “Should Canadians be proud or patriotic?” Since the Scriptures say that Christians are of themselves a holy nation (1 Pt. 2:9), mere ambassadors (2Cor. 5:20) whose citizenship is in Heaven (Phil. 3:20), how are we meant to view national identity. Are we dual-citizens? Are we meant to forsake one allegiance for another? Based on 1 Pt. 2:13-17 and Rm. 13:1-7, Trevor suggests a third option: that we ought to view Canada as a sub-nation under the dominion of God. Simply put, Canada is part of God’s domain, and its governments ultimately give account to him. So our allegiance only extends as far as the nation’s allegiance to the King of kings. So rather than national PRIDE, Christians ought only to maintain national GRATITUDE, as well as obedience; the joy of living in such a free and prosperous place. Sadly, we failed to capture the audio for this week’s message. But the full manuscript can be accessed using the link above.