This week's sermon emphasizes the centrality of evangelistic outreach by the Body of Christ. Evangelism really IS the mission of the church, and all other ministries are meant to strengthen and support that mission. So it would seem logical for God to wire and gift more people for evangelism than for anything else; they are likely the majority of church members. This does not mean to suggest that Evangelism is "normal," while the other ministries are specialized. Our physical body mass is mainly muscle, but that does not mean that muscle is not an intricately-designed product of God. And life without that "muscle" is really just a motionless existence.
Unfortunately, the nine-year-old son of the pastor, who has been conscripted to run the sound booth and record these messages, failed to capture the audio this week. He will henceforth be patted down for fiction books before he is granted access to the sound booth :) So this sermon is only available as a manuscript, which can be accessed by the link above.